If not for the skinny jeans…

Posts Tagged ‘relationship

I’m not going to lie.  The term “health food” conjures up images of carrots and celery sticks, tofu mixed in everything, and bland foods in general.  Porridge.  Yes, porridge comes to mind.  I honestly have no idea what porridge looks or tastes like, but that’s what I am imagining.

I actually get a little testy when people say something along the lines of “You’re such a healthy eater now…  Don’t you miss the good stuff?”


Why do i have this negative idea of “healthy” foods?  I’ve got this ridiculous relationship with food.  I’ll eat a bowl of ice cream knowing it will turn my stomach into knots, simply because I like it’s taste.  I will devour a brownie because it’s just so rich and wonderful, but leaves a nasty aftertaste.  Mmmmm, thinking of a big fat juicy burger right now with Memorial Day right around the corner.  You know the kind I’m talking about… the kind that you can see the juice (otherwise known as FAT) dripping off the burger, with a thick slice of cheese and some veggies for appearance purposes only!  It will put me into a state of uncomfortable fullness, and I will have the damnedest time trying to stop myself from eating the whole thing.

Now put something fresh in front of me (I’m talking veggies/fruit here) and I’m so much more aware of my satiety levels.  I don’t have any “side effects.”  My cravings are taken care of and I don’t feel guilty afterwards.  Lean meats, particular white meats give me the protein I need to fuel my lifestyle without leaving me feeling like i’m full of EXTRA FAT (and we all know I don’t need any extra of that).  

I have to break up with my sweets.  I have to say au revoir to the fatty meats.  Adios to a nutritional lifestyle that is only holding me back from my goals of peak fitness and health.  To help me do this, I will be doing the Whole 30 Challenge.  It’s going to be crazy hard.  I am honestly very nervous about it.  I am worried I’ll fail.  I’ll cheat more times than I can count.  I’m worried that I just don’t have the will power to get through this divorce.  

I am starting the challenge June 1st.  I’ve got a week long trip to San Antonio and then family visiting at the end of the month with a trip a local amusement part.  I will be thoroughly challenged.  I am setting up plans of actions now.  I’m a visual person so I know in order to change I need constant reminders in my face.  Once I figure out exactly what type of reminders I need, I’m going to share it with all of you.

I’m curious though.  What is your relationship with food?  Do you eat as you wish? Clean? Paleo? Have you done this challenge?

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