If not for the skinny jeans…

Archive for December 2013

as well as my resolve it seems. 

I have been naughty, indulging on oreos and other sweets.  Cookies always were, and probably always will be, my nemesis.  Will power???  What’s that?! 

I have really let my goals go and have been putting myself at the bottom on my priority list.  They say the first step to getting over a problem is admitting there is a problem.  I rarely go to the gym about it, get frustrated with myself, attempt to justify it with my horrendous school work load, and then eat.

I got on the scale recently and was not happy.  While it is only a few pounds gained, it was enough to for me to go, something has to stop.  I’m still trying to figure this out.  Obvious, cookies need to stop mysteriously  coming into my house!  (Just yesterday, I got ding dong ditched and the culprit left a WHOLE BOX OF OREOS!)  I’ve got a unit party coming up and the theme is a cookie exchange.  I feel like I need to go in there with duct tape over my mouth!

I have always been a stress/emotional eater.  It’s a horrible coping mechanism.  I’m hoping that once this semester calms down I’ll be able to center again and find out and plan exactly what I need to do to get back on track.

My journey

Blogs I Follow


Spread Positive Vibes. Give Love. Be Happy.

Air Force Active Duty Girl

Just a girl doing everything she can to reach her goals...

Top 10 of Anything and Everything

Animals, Travel, Casinos, Sports, Gift Ideas, Mental Health and So Much More!

Becoming the Best Me

Becoming the best me I can be

hungry and fit

A young couple focused on great workouts and feasting well -- all on a low budget!