If not for the skinny jeans…

Posts Tagged ‘training

Hello out there!!  Sorry it’s been a while!  I’ve been using the past two weeks to move half way across the county, move into my new house, and show my cousins around the wonderful city of San Antonio!

In order to spare you some reading, I’ll just kinda bullet the things worth mentioning…

  • Since getting here, I’ve noticed a significant loss of “poofiness” in the lower belly area.  I attribute it to the lack of sweets and snacky foods at my house.
  • I haven’t been to the gym since the day before I moved and it’s driving me crazy!  I’m pretty sure I’ve found my next gym, but I won’t be able to start up with them until school starts because of day care issues.  I’ve already asked Nick for some ideas and I’m pretty sure I can use this time to find out if I love the stuff on Blogilates as much as I think I will.
  • I have pulled myself from the marathon in November.  Two reasons for this: (1) I don’t have the child care resources to get in the runs I need to train appropriately and (2) I don’t have the drive I once did to complete it.  I will still be running, and once I have the child care, my mileage is going to go up considerably, but I know I won’t be marathon ready.  It was a hard decision for me, but I know it’s best to hold off this year, and then kill it next year (hopefully).
  • Going grocery shopping in considerably easier to do when you have nothing to start with!  I can really set my nutritional goals and so far, it’s been working.  We’ve eaten out a few times, but not nearly as much as I could be lol
  • I am absolutely in love with my house!
  • My sleep schedule is all jacked up and has been causing issues for me during the latter half of the day (like concentration, focus, mood changes) so it’s something I’m working on.  I do think part of the problem though is that I haven’t been getting out the extra energy that my body had gotten used to producing for my trainings with Nick.

I think that covers the big things so far.  Leave your questions/comments below!  I know some of this is kinda vague, so just ask whatever’s on your mind, or just share some love!

–Being fit isn’t a goal, it’s a lifestyle.

While at the gym the other day with Nick, I could see that I had gained weight.  I hadn’t realized that it had gotten that bad.  I was looking at myself thinking, “oh god… have i seriously killed months of hard work just by not paying at much attention??”  I already know how much nutrition is as far as getting fit, and I honestly didn’t think I had gotten so far away from my 80/20.  So I went ahead and weighed myself.  


158 lbs 😦

Now, is that number making me depressed?  Am I saying I am a failure because I’ve gained weight? No and no.

It was a wake up call.  As I’m writing this, I’m making mental notes to repair my slip-ups.  I know that things have been way off schedule for me since Link’s visit in May, but for a while I was still able to manage.  Actually, while he was here, things were great.  It was after that that things started to fall apart.  I saw the signs and didn’t act on it.  Now, I’ve fallen much farther into this “pit” and I’m telling you know, I will climb back out.

I may be covered in mud and exhausted, but I will find my way back out.  I may be frustrated and grabbing for every single branch that lends it’s way towards me, but I will get out.  My nutrition will get back to normal and I will start feeling healthy again.

On a side note: My marathon training starts next week and to tell you I’m nervous doesn’t even start to come close to how I’m feeling about it.  The mileage is 3/3/3/6.  I know I’m not running for time, but I’ve never run over 6 miles.  There will be lots of mental struggles involved with this run.  With this training comes even more reason to fix my nutrition.  I can’t run at my best if I’m not fueling my body with the best fuel I can.

Hey everyone!  This is been one of the best vacations ever!  I’ve had the chance to see so many of my friends and amazingly not kill all the work I’ve put into my “transformation”!  This week was to be used as a recovery/rest period for my body.  I needed it.  I do find myself antsy at times, but it’s not too bad.  I went for a 3 mile run the second or third night I was here and ran it in 34 minutes!  I’m happy with that considering the last time I ran outside was when it was stupid hot and humid out and it just sucked!  Plus the development I was in had moderate hills, so it was a good run for my legs!  I also went dancing at my favorite bar here. Cowboys Dancehall!  It’s so much fun.  I tell ya what though… I have never danced so much in my life!  My group and I got there around 9, and around 9:30 the fun started.  Some very nice men asked us if we’d like to dance.  Who were we to turn them down?!  LOL  We were literally dancing for almost 4 hours straight!  I was sweating and laughing and being twirled and just having the best time ever!  Dancing has to be the best cardio there is!  LOL

As far as the nutritional aspect of my vacation, I’ve definitely splurged, but not so much so that I feel horrible afterwards.  One of my friends is s super clean eater so it’s nice to not be tempted by all the fatter and delicious sweets that are awaiting my arrival in MD.  

If nothing else, I am feel so much more rejuvenated.  It’s just been nice to have someone to talk to that is on the same page as me in so many different aspects of my life.  I am curious to know how my body will react to my first post-vacation workout with Nick after all this “rest.”  But until then, I’m just going to enjoy the last few days of this vacation.  I’ve got chaos waiting for me at home!

finally a picture of the full breakfast

finally a picture of the full breakfast

I have literally been dragging all day today.  I blame two reasons… (1) I didn’t go to bed until 1:30 this morning and (2) my body has finally started the “transition.”  This transition is apparently very normal as the body goes from having a constant glycogen store that’s easy to get to from all the carbs and sugar to now having to rely on utilizing glycogen stores from proteins and healthy fats, which is apparently harder to do.  You can read more about it here.  It’s actually a timeline of what to expect as you go through it.  Luckily I didn’t get the “hangover” that’s typical on days 2 and 3.

It hasn’t been that hard so far.  I can honestly say it’s because I prepped for it.  What still gets me is late at night… I’m not necessarily craving the sweet stuff so much as I just want it, almost like a finisher for the day.  Last night I gave in and had three oreos and a small (like 3 oz) of milk.  I knew it wasn’t on plan.  I knew it’s the farthest thing from clean, and I didn’t have that “need” for it… It’s a weird feeling.  Anyway I ate it, felt satisfied and went to bed.  (1) I learned my lesson with milk.  Waking up with bubble guts is definitely not something I’d recommend to anyone.  Ugh.  It went away after I started really getting myself morning, but yea, no more cookies and milk for me.

had to change up lunch since I ate the rest of the fish I made yesterday.  Turkey meatloaf on lettuce

had to change up lunch since I ate the rest of the fish I made yesterday. Turkey meatloaf on lettuce

During my training (bi’s and back) Nick had to ask me a few times if I was okay.  I just kept saying I was tired.  I was.  All day.  I attempted to nap while A was sleeping, and even got the Goober in bed with me so she’d nap too.  While they slept soundly, I just kinda laid there… for an hour and a half.  I’m not complaining though… It was nice to not do anything, and I think I definitely need the mental rest just as my body needs the physical rest.  So, while the girls slept on, I broke out some crochet and watched The Voice from last night.  It was nice and mindless.

The pest guy got here, sprayed, and told me that my spider was not a recluse!!  Whoo hoo.  It was just a typical garden spider that wondered inside… a very healthy spider by its size. LOL

And right now I am literally going through the “I want something sweet” thing.  Blah.  Maybe I’ll just down a protein shake and go to bed.  Yes, I think that’s what I’ll do!

For those of you who have just started following me, first, THANK YOU!!  Second, I signed up for my first marathon the day of the Boston Marathon Bombing.  It’s my fight against fear, in a matter of speaking.  I will be running San Antonio’s Rock ‘n Roll Marathon on November 17, 2013.  Roughly 28 weeks away.  The course for this year hasn’t been released yet, but I found an awesome link for last years course.  My new mantra for my runs: Respect the distance!  You’ll see what I mean once you watch the video 🙂


**edited : I attempted to embed the video but wordpress says no.  You can follow this link to see the video!  I’d love your feedback and words of encouragement because I’m certainly going to need them LOL


Nick has done it again.  I swear, he gets a kick out of torturing me, and I love him for it!  Here’s how today went:

I saw him finishing up with his earlier appointment, so I let him know he could find me warming up on the treadmill.  Not even 1 minute later he comes over laughing at me, telling me to get off.  There was my first big indicator that today I was going to sweat… a lot!  I could see it in his eyes!  LOL

He hands me a jump rope and off I start.  Today was a “go until you lose your rhythm (mess up) and well do one exercise”.  So in between my “mess ups” we took care of the prehab stuff.  He made me focus considerably more by putting half a foam roller on my back so I would isolate the right muscles/joints without shifting.  The supine bridge was intensified by doing them one legged on the bosu, and we did another prehab called the “reach, roll, and raise” (or something like that).  It focuses on the mid-back.  

Then we go into the “heavy” stuff.  It started with a kettle ball exercise that I can only describe because I have no idea what it’s called.  It’s double-armed, and you swing them until they’re almost parallel to the ground then you use your traps and lats to “punch” them back.  I know that’s a horrible description but I have no idea how else to describe the motion. LOL  Then onto dead lifts, morning glories, inverted rows, presses and donkey kicks all on the smith machine except for the first two.  There was huge progress made from last time I tried inverted rows.  Not gonna lie, I felt pretty awesome (tired) afterwards.  

Once the heavy was done we moved back to our starting area and did some ab and endurance training.  This was the circuit I had to complete as many times as I could in 15 minutes.  Donkey kicks, fire hydrants, plank (on elbows), alternating side planks (holding for 1-2 secs each time) for 10 reps, wall sit for 30 seconds, then upright rows.  The wall sits damn near killed me!!  I hated them in the army and I hate them just as much now!  After all of that was done, then I had 20 minutes of cardio.

So yes, I sweat my a$$ off today, and it felt awesome.  I have noticed when I’ve gotten in a great training, I am so much more apt to keep the momentum going into my dietary needs.  Granted, today was Boston Market Wednesday, I still behaved so much better than I think I would have normally, and I still made nutritious decisions without totally depriving myself.  All in all, a good day!

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